Tag: Romania

Waiting On the Border

Once the air raid sirens went quiet, it was just another normal travel day. Time to get out of Ukraine and move on down the highway. I was heading to Bucharest, Romania. It’s the next biggest city in the area. There are some more Black Sea Beach resort towns in approximately the same direction but definitely no reason to be…

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So Far Away

It was an easy walk to Bucharest’s train station from the guest house since I already did it the day before. From there, it was an easy trip to the Transylvanian city of BraČ™ov, about a hundred miles north. A pretty little town once you get out of the non touristy section. Which I found out the hard way is…

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Just Too Friggin’ Old

   The overnight bus to Bucharest, Romania wasn’t quite overnight. It dropped me off in the city center long before sunrise and Bucharest is not a 24 hour town that I was finding. I definitely was not rested because the first thing I really remember was being the first customer at coffee shop on an otherwise dark and lonely street. My google…

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