Waiting is the Hardest Part

It’s the end of the holiday weekend here and you know what that means? It means that all the Seattle people heading back home this afternoon are sucking up all the cell tower bandwidth as they drive through. I can’t procrastinate my how-to-build a cabin research  by falling down the hoof trimming and ear cleaning youtube videos rabbit hole. I…

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Karen is the first person I met when I moved to Seattle in 1998. A friend of a friend that moved there just before I did. We kept in touch for a while after she chucked it all and moved to Sardinia around 2005.  I figured that since I was going to be in the neighborhood, I would track her…

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Writing, editing and formatting from my phone. Please excuse the results….. My travel planning is pretty simple. I see a picture of a place that catches my eye and i go there the next time I am even remotely in the area. It a risky proposition in these days of glitzy photoshopped ad campaigns by local tourism boards but so…

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I only have my phone and limited internet on this trip so content and formatting is limited. I really didn’t do any research on what Malta has to offer a one week visitor. Especially in the off season. A week later I am still not sure. It’s got its own unique look that’s some where between Italian Renaissance and Middle…

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