Another 30 day month has come and gone. And again just one more day would have put me over the line. Hah. I WISH all I needed was a day. I sit here surrounded by piles of almost done projects. Some of which are keeping me from scheduling the big framing inspection. I have to admit that I am dragging my feet on the framing inspection. At this point, any issues they find could be disastrous. A little late in the game to have to fix the foundation. I am probably over worrying given my experiences with the inspectors so far. They have always given me slack and leeway on the rules given how well I am able to fix my incompetence. And maybe a little pity when they see the minimal plans I am working against.

Once I hit send on this post, I am going to super caffeinate, throw procrastination to the wind and take the inspection projects to the finish line. The long range weather forecasts are calling for a snowy one. But first comes the rain. It is at the point now where I go to bed with no chance of rain and 4 hours later I am scrambling around in the dark and pouring rain collecting tools I thought would be safe outside overnight.

It hasn’t been all procrastination. Plumbing is looking pretty good. I have my new solar panels mounted and all the house almost all wired up for electricity. That is going to take a separate inspection from a different department and I am NOT looking forward to that one. It has been a big effort to get everything in place. The local hardware store has very limited electrical supplies with a big price tag. The home depot 70 miles away is a full day wasted and Solar equipment is non existent at stores. It’s usually a week to get stuff delivered. So progress has been slow going. I think I finally have everything on site now so maybe there will be light soon.

I mixed and poured 1800 pounds of concrete last week for the cellar floor. Still can’t stand up straight or bend over for that matter. That was the last of the heavy work for the most part and can do most of what’s left to do stooped a bit so no excuses.

In short, September has just been a grind. Different day, same Sh!t for the most part. The days are getting short and the nights are getting cold.  I am going to put on a pot of coffee and get to it.

I posted a youtube video showing the summer progress and some bonus footage.

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It’s coming to the end of wildfire season. It wasn’t too bad here. Very little smoke. A fire did spark up a few miles from here though. The water planes flew back and forth over a few days. I thought I would go to the nearby lake to watch them fill up. I had no idea how that worked so I went over to the lake to watch them. I took video and posted that too.

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I have had some 1st world problems creep into my 3rd world life up here. My ATT cell plan expired and as part of their efforts at an excellent customer experience. They slowed down my service to gently nudge me into a new plan. For a whole dollar less I would get the 5G service I was paying for back and as an added bonus lose my free HBO Max service. I fooled them and for $20 less I signed up for T-mobile’s spotty 5G service where I get to watch the spinning hourglass on my free Netflix and Apple+ service. With ads that don’t seem to stall of course.

Then there is this website. They lower their maximum storage levels for my plan in the middle of my 3 year contract. I told them that they shouldn’t be a be to do it because of my college basic law class. But I guess contract law has changed because I could almost hear them shrug their shoulders over the phone. Instead of dealing with a frozen website I went in and deleted a bunch of photos that were duplicates of the pictures I have linked to in my google storage ( I think I deleted too much because the site looks barely thawed now. Compared to the half baked version you have grown used to. I’ll fix it as rainy season settles in.

I picked a bad summer to consider becoming a vegetarian. My garden is just a collection of puny carrots and some leafy stuff that I cant tell if its a weed or a pathetic salad ingredient. It will be a pasta and meat winter I think.

The workers here at the Safeway are looking at me like they want to go home. My tomorrow’s tend to start at 3:49 for some reason so better get back to it.


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