I can see the lights of the town’s only grocery store from my little slice of the mountain. Google says it is 2 miles away as the crow flies. As you know, I am not a crow so that isn’t a very helpful point of reference. Instead, It is about 5 miles to drive there. About half of it is dirt roads. Half of that is unmaintained dirt roads except for what I get after when the spirit moves me.
Even with the big high end development going in, the last mile of rough road keeps the perspective residents from driving their shiny expensive SUV’s down my way. All the heavy road construction has interrupted the animals up here on the ridge. Mostly moving to my side of the mountain.
Since I drive so much, I got a cheap dashcam a few years ago. I have been very impressed with it. Mostly in its uncanny ability to work perfectly driving through the flat cornfields of Kansas but fail miserably to capture anything interesting. Earlier in the summer, I glimpsed a coyote dashing in front of my car. This is the first year I have seen coyotes up here so it was kind of exciting. More exciting was the lack bear that was in close chase behind it. You’re just going to have to take my word for it because, as expected, no video proof.
I generally have my phone with me around the property so I have been able to catch some of the local fauna as I roam around the local fauna…..
![]() I think this is a Western Yellow Bellied Racer. I was only able to get this close because it was still sluggish from the cooler nights. And this is as close as I need to be getting to snakes anyway. |
![]() I don’t like snakes but if I have to have them, this one’s pretty good. Eats Bugs and small rodents. Pretty lackadaisical about life and just doesn’t care.
![]() F’kn Ticks!!!! I hate these things, They sneak up, drill into you and suck away. No pain until you find them and pull them out. Then it feels like a lit match
There are a lot of deer, So many that I don’t even think to take a picture of them. The Coyotes have been to quick to get a picture of. There is a wolf pack in the forest behind me but haven’t seen any sign of them. I kind of want to keep it that way too.
That is all I have to report on the wildlife around camp. My rule is: stay on the outside and we’ll get along fine. The rodents are testing the rule like a teenager and screen time. I wasn’t expecting too much trouble since the trailer is only a couple of years old. But nope, those nasty things can squeeze through the tiniest of holes. i.e., like space around the pipes for the plumbing. It was I was really surprised that a rat was able to get in. That was 3 sleepless nights as I laid in bed listening to it scurrying around. between chasing it around with a broom. Wholly unsuccessful effort given the length of the broom and the small space of the trailer. They are fast and can jump like kangaroos. In the end the Rat Trap won. I took a picture of the resulting carnage to show size but won’t post it cause it is pretty gross. But take my word for it, the one I caught was as big as my shoe. A second one tried to move in but I found the hole and plugged it while he was on the outside.
As the cooler fall temps start to settle in, I expect there will be a few more sleepless nights but it is just the price I have to pay for living a wild wild life.

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