I started the process to get a well dug on my property back in May. It started with an application to the county along with a $2000 check for them to see if I am worthy of running water. Although I have visited them a couple of times and my obvious need for a hot shower hasn’t swayed them yet. It is the department of ecology that I have to work through and you would think that frequent showers would increase air quality by 7 to 10% around town, they would be all over it. It is the end of September and they haven’t been swayed. Still waiting although my last visit said that most likely I’ll be approved. So I am moving ahead with preparations for the well diggers next summer.
The first step was to figure out where they should dig. At $75 per foot and typical hits at 300 to 400 ft, it is a one time shot with my budget. That’s if they hit water. otherwise, too bad, so sad. I’ll still owe $75 per foot. The well company and my real estate guy recommended that I cover my bases and hire a water witch/ dowser to walk my property.
Since the dig involves two semi sized trucks, there aren’t many places on my property they can park and drill. As it is I’ll have to flatten out and reinforce a 28 by 48 area that will support the trucks. a fact that is good for a water dowser, He got $300 bucks to walk around a couple of sections of the property with 2 copper rods.
He was a very nice man, been doing it for 30 years. Here is a video of him doing his thing…..

When all was said and done, he was confident that there was some water flowing underneath the part of the land that the trucks could get to.
Even more interesting is that my efforts with my own copper rods crossed where his did. I am not a huge believer but if I miss water, at least it won’t be from lack of covering my options. Stay tuned for the drilling festivities and maybe a hot shower next summer.

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