Been breaking and burning things as I hop into this project. 

If you didn’t know already, it turns out that I am pretty good a breaking things. The cleaning up part not so much. There are piles and piles of stuff everywhere now. The dry weather comes to the East side of the Cascade Mountains earlier when compared to Seattle. It just turned May and it is already getting dry and most days are pretty windy. Since I don’t have water up here, I have erred on the side of caution and let the flammable debris pile up. The metal and plastic that litters the property are getting collected into different piles. Hopefully I can get a few more burns in before the burn ban gets called.

My biggest challenge is determining what can be reused and what gets hauled to the landfill. There is a good bit of lumber that might be reused if I can clean the mold off of it. I am just not sure that the effort is worth it. I didn’t enjoy mold removal when I was working for All Hands and Hearts in North Carolina but I also don’t like throwing away otherwise perfectly good lumber. There is plenty of demolition I can do while I wait for a burn window to handle the mold issue once and for all.

Here are some pictures of what I won’t quite call progress but the effort so far.


Here are some pictures of the effort…….

The corrugated shed on the hill

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The two story shack at the back of the property

description hereDemo Started.
Still a Long way to go
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All I need is a rainy day and a match


A pickup truck camper in hideous condition

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description hereDemo Started. description here
gravity was trying its best to help
 description hereJust a pile of metal and firewood

Some sort of animal corral…..



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Just a hodgepodge of logs, fencing and steel roof, filled with junk, of course.
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Ashes and some junk are left
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