I am sitting in Charlotte waiting for a very stubborn Hurricane Florence to roll through North Carolina. Not just sitting but sitting in an empty apartment waiting for her. Charlotte is about 175 miles from the coast. I have been waiting for this b… er fine young lady to get busy. 

We have been watching the progress for the past week and listening to the doom and gloom prognostications of the news broadcasters and buying water and bread like they were coming into style. 

My apartment lease is up next month but I don’t have any reason to stick around so I have moved everything, except for a blow up mattress and a lawn chair, to my storage unit,  I can leave any time but am holding out hope that there would be a period of blustery excitement followed up by some good cleanup work. It is turning out to be one slow moving lady. Not to mention it is losing steam. I’ll be an old man by the time it gets here.

The way it is losing steam over the past 24 hours, by the time it gets here it won’t be much more than a soggy Seals and Crofts song (Summer Breeze). 

This has been the sky over Charlotte for the past week

I was dragging my feet in following the advice of far wiser people than me to head for the hills. I live on the top floor of a cement building 175 miles inland; not too worried. Since I am planning to move out anyway, the fridge is empty so there nothing to spoil or waste. In the meantime,I did prepare for catastrophic societal failure and dug up my car camping kitchen setup. Combined with many cans of soup and Chili, I am set for the soggiest of apocalypsis.

Alas, this is looking like it is just going to be a bit rainy. I don’t see this turning into anything interesting so it is time to move on down the highway. At first light or a few minutes after the coffee shop opens. I will be leaving Charlotte for good. More on the 8 month experience later. It is a good town, just not my thing.

I’ll be driving to Seattle for a few weeks and then back to the East Coast to try out another city. Or not. Who knows? 

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  1. Be careful Don. I was thinking about you and the ravaging Florence earlier this week. I really enjoy reading your posts and envy your traveling journeys.

    Remember to “thank god for the man who puts the white lines on the highway.”

    If your travels are close on the Ohio Turnpike let me know.

    My schedule for next week isn’t impossible but the following two weeks I’m in Columbus for a training.


    1. Thanks Bill. I appreciate you staying tuned in. Now that I am on the road more, I should have more postings. Instagram is SOOOOO easy though. I was in a hurry to get out here to beat the rains but will have more time in Ohio as I head back, in November if current plans stick.

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