I have been hanging out in North Georgia for the past few weeks. My long time friend, John Hagan, has allowed me to stay at his vacation lake house when his family aren’t using it.

Way better than a Motel 6

Which is way better than a Motel 6 on some freeway exit. The downside is that I am 30 miles from a reasonable sized town with stuff to do. They do have lakeside sunset, Internet, Netflix and a fridge full of beer. And that 2 things more than I had in Seattle so I am doing pretty good.

Having a second house does have a downside. When you do get to use it, there are chores upon chores to fill up your weekend visit.

To feel like I am earning my keep, I get out and work the ¾ acre yard. Fallen tree limbs need cut up,


New mulch needs spread out.

That is what 18 yards of mulch looks like

 The leaves need raked and burned.

The Southeast USA is in a drought, lake levels are low and outdoor fires need to be permitted. Which we did. We had a hose ready to go in case an ember gets away and had someone watching the burn until there wasn’t. Turned my head for one second and an ember floats 50 feet away. Didn’t notice it until I looked up and saw that tiny little ember burning a 2 foot circle of dry ground cover. I yelled for John to come down and went down to rack the leaves into the circle which just spread the fire more. The fire engulfed the hose and melted it so it was useless. We went to work stomping on the fire and raking it.

This is a reasonable facsimile of the effort.

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The fire department is miles away and all volunteer. Another few seconds and we would have lost the yard. But we got in under control with just about 400 feet of burn.


All is well but we are holding off on any more burns for a while. At least until we get a bigger hose.

In the meantime I am building bigger burn piles. I am also working with John on his TeledataSelect.com website. Learning lots about telecommunication technology and services for Small Businesses in the mean time.


Big News coming next week. Stay tuned.



    1. I may take you up on that when I get back from Europe. Europe is a test run of me being able to support my friends business remotely so we’ll see. Plus all that rainforest. Probably wont have to worry about me burning anything down.

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