For those of you keeping track, I have moved on from my 3 month stay in Cleveland. My Handyman skills were stretched pretty much to their maximum usefulness. I felt bad that I was getting room and board in exchange for on the job learning and daily roam arounds of the Lowes and Home Depot.

Cleveland itself was good but for as sprawling as it is, I was left wanting for things to do. I am sure that if I ever got around to staying out past 8:30pm, I could have found all kinds of trouble to keep me entertained. I leave that to the youngsters these days.

I was also a bit disappointed in the Winter weather. In my opinion if it’s Winter, it should be WINTER!!! Where Snow comes in storms worse than the weatherman could hype them, (if that’s possible). When temps are so cold, breathing deep makes your lungs hurt and your nostrils stick together. And the local pub is full of rosy cheeked neighbors in commiserating camaraderie.  I have to admit, I am a bad weather aficionado and Cleveland wasn’t providing the goods. 

The other challenge is that I left Seattle in the early Summer and had no room for the Winter clothes that I had accumulated over the years that I would love to have now. I bought a $30 Winter coat at Costco just to get by but it is already fraying. Punxsutawney Phil is predicting 6 more weeks of Winter and Costco has quit selling $30 Winter Coats. Time to head South. 

On the day I was scheduled to leave, there was 6 inches of fresh snow on the ground and more expected. I was tempted to stay and enjoy it but I had made some promises that made it time to leave.

Leaving on the best day since I got there

I like to take the backroads on this endless Sunday Drive of mine. With the snow, I was a little worried that the secondary roads would be unplowed and slippery, especially with the trailer. It turned out to not be a problem, the snowfall became less and less significant as I drove south.  By the time I got to the Ohio River, there wasn’t any snow to be seen. I didn’t have any problems crossing over the Appalachian Mountains and into the relatively flat North and South Carolina foothills.

In the South, Hostess Fries your Twinkies for you

I took a few days to make the drive. I planned my route to take me through Harlan, Kentucky. The Setting for the fictional TV Series Justified. I should add a disclaimer here, the streets crisscrossing the small 8 blocks or so of the downtown are pretty tight, and I take up a lot space so decided to just do the driving tour and not figure out parking so I didn’t get to engage with anyone. What I saw was a nice little mining town. The store fronts were far from 100% occupancy and those that were open were more  utilitarian (furniture stores, repair shops, food carryouts, etc). No galleries, Craft beer and cocktail bars or foodie restaurants.  So no Hipsters to be seen. WooHoo!!!

If it was closer to the weekend, I might have stuck around to see what happens at night. I can’t imagine that there would be much happening on a Tuesday so I drove on to South Carolina.

I had an uneventful night in nice little town Hendersonville, NC. Before making my way to Greenville in Western South Carolina. I stopped over there on my previous Atlanta visit and was intrigued. It is one of the fastest growing cities in the country right now but you wouldn’t know it on a Wednesday evening. I hit a few bars in the downtown district. Some good Bar room chats but not enough to keep me out past my 9 pm bedtime. I was tempted to give Greenville a Thursday night try but decided to drive around Western SC and see where I ended up.

Turns out, I ended up in tiny Anderson, SC. It turned into an odd and random night for such a little town even for a Thursday. I would like to spend more time there to see if random is standard but this visit ended in the morning when I headed to my friend’s house across the Georgia border.


I’ll be here and in Atlanta helping said friend get a handle on his marketing efforts for his telecommunications company. Their website is A consulting company assisting small and medium businesses to select and manage their telecommunications solution. Might be a short stay since I don’t know anything about Marketing other than it is usually a job that employs attractive women. Definitely not qualified on that account.

The Lakeside Offices of Teledata Select

I am in writing mode for their Website. That could go one of two ways, I’ll be able to stay in writing mode and catch up on this website or I’ll just want to watch Netflix instead.  I am hoping for the former but I do like Netflix.


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  1. Just missing a warm February in western Ohio. 60’s this weekend, unheard of this time of year. Not complaining as having to get into and out of a car 100 times a day and not getting my feet full of snow is just fine with me.

    I’m back to Pandora radio and “Le Freak”by Chic.

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