PS in advance. I typed this on my phone. I’ll fix any typos. Etc when I get to a proper computer.
Those of you that have been following my travels over the years, know that I can be pretty verbose in blogging through them. This trip so far hasn’t been overly recorded. With a lack of internet, writing space and a 110v power supply, my literary efforts have been hampered.
My interim solution is to blurb the trip via Twitter and Instagram.
Well, Twitter has been difficult on my Windows phone. The blog post links are supposed to get sent to it automatically. That seems to have quit working. The Windows Twitter App hasn’t been updated to allow me to fix the pics that twitter randomly rotates.
Now Instagram has quit working altogether. So I can’t post pictures easily. In my humble opinion (and I am sure, more than a few of you), the pics are better than the words.
At the end if the week, Microsoft is cutting my storage space so I cant add any more pics there.I have bee furiously burning up McDonald’s free internet trying to off load everything that is up there but that is a big job and it not worth clogging my arteries waiting for the downloads to complete so not sure when I will finish that.
I am working on a couple solutions but stick with me and you will be rewarded, or not.